Time ---- Time/date parameters are used throughout Synth. Here are some examples:: "2017-01-01T00:00:00" # An ISO8601 format datetime. Note this is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss "PT5M" # An ISO8601 duration *relative* to the current simulation time. So this means "5 minutes later". "now" # The current real time. For example, if you set engine `{ "start" : "now" }` then the simulation will start at the current real time. Or { "end" : "now" } will finish at the current time. "when_done" # For end times, this means "when no further events are pending" null # For end times, this means "never" Further examples of ISO8601 durations:: * "PT0S" # Immediately (no seconds later) * "PT5M" # In 5 minutes * "P30D" # In 30 days. * "-PT4H" # 4 hours previously. Note that *negative* durations are allowed in some contexts. For example if you set a simulation start time as "-PT4H" then the simulation will start 4 hours before now. NOTE: Currently ISO8601 durations greater than Days are not correctly supported due to limitations of the module. But it's fine to say e.g. "P360D" for a year.